The Reign of the Vertical Video

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The Reign of the Vertical Video

How Advertisers Can Conquer the Vertical Scroll Wars

The way we consume content has undergone a dramatic shift. Gone are the days of bulky desktops and landscape-oriented videos. Today, smartphones reign supreme, and with them comes the rise of vertical video. This seemingly simple format change has revolutionised how audiences engage with content, creating a goldmine for advertisers who can adapt and leverage its power.

In this SEO Premier Blog, we will discuss the rise of vertical video and how advertisers can use the hype to market in different platforms like TikTok, Facebook & Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube Shorts.

Why Vertical Videos? The Numbers Don’t Lie

The stats are clear: vertical video is here to stay. Need proof?

According to eMarketer, mobile ad spending surpassed all other formats in 2023, reaching a staggering 63.4% of total ad spend. Since mobile users hold their phones vertically 94% of the time, vertical video offers a seamless viewing experience. It is definitely a mobile-first world out there!

In addition, studies show that publishing vertical videos can see a whopping 43% higher view-through rate compared to landscape videos. Unlike landscape videos with black bars on a mobile screen, vertical videos utilise the entire screen real estate. This translates to a more immersive experience and a more engaged audience, crucial for capturing attention in our fast-paced world.

Conquering the Vertical Frontier: Some Notes on Platforms and Strategies

With the understanding of vertical video's power, let's delve into how advertisers can adapt their strategies across popular platforms:


TikTok thrives on short, catchy, and visually appealing content. Create your campaign around leverage user-generated content (UGC) challenges, trending sounds, and humor to grab attention. If you have the budget for it, partner with influencers who resonate with your target audience. For example, a beauty brand can partner with a popular makeup guru to showcase a new product line in a fun and informative tutorial.

For TikTok ads, keep your ad concise (ideally under 15 seconds) with a clear call to action. Use eye-catching visuals, text overlays, and trending music to stand out in the endless scroll.


Take advantage of the disappearing nature of Stories (24 hours) to create a sense of urgency and exclusivity. Showcase behind-the-scenes glimpses, product demos, or limited-time promotions, and interactive features like polls, quizzes, and sliders to boost engagement. Encourage viewers to swipe up for a special offer or learn more. For example: A clothing brand can showcase its new collection through a series of Story posts, using interactive polls to gauge audience preference.


Snapchat is the OG of vertical video; its AR filters and lenses offer a unique way to engage with users. The platform also offers unique ad formats like Snap Ads (short vertical video ads) and Sponsored Lenses (branded AR experiences). A good campaign would be to develop branded filters that allow users to virtually try on products or interact with your brand in a fun way. For example: A sports drink brand creates a sponsored AR lens that lets users virtually compete in a sports challenge, interactively promoting their product.


Similar to TikTok, YouTube Shorts thrives on short, engaging vertical videos. If you’re a marketer looking to optimise your brand or advertise on YouTube, create content that complements your existing YouTube channel, offering teasers, behind-the-scenes glimpses, or quick product tutorials. For Shorts, you can promote vertical videos through your main YT channel and use end screens and cards to direct viewers to the longer-form content.

Example is a musician who uses YouTube Shorts to promote their new music video with short snippets showcasing the song and music style, driving viewers to the full video on their channel.

Succeeding in Vertical!

Beyond platform-specific tweaks, here are some universal strategies for creating winning vertical video ads:

OPTIMISE ON MOBILE - Ensure your videos load quickly and display seamlessly on all mobile devices. Utilise high-quality but compressed video formats to avoid buffering issues.

INVEST IN QUALITY SOUND DESIGN - Even with the mute button culture, captivating sound design can enhance your ad. Apply catchy music, sound effects, and voice-overs strategically to grab attention and create an emotional connection.

EMBRACE AUTHENTICITY - In the age of influencer marketing and user-generated content, authenticity reigns supreme. Showcase real people using your product, share customer testimonials, or create relatable narratives that resonate with your audience.

MAKE DATA-DRIVEN DECISIONS - Track your ad performance across platforms. Analyse what works and what doesn't. Refine your creative approach based on audience engagement metrics and A/B test different formats to identify the optimal strategy.

The reign of vertical video is far from over. You can still ride the trends by understanding its power and modifying your ad strategies to this format. Remember, that it’s not just about the format; it’s about creating captivating content that resonates with your audience on a deeper level.

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