3 misconceptions about SEO ranking

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3 misconceptions about SEO ranking

Content length? Website age? Bounce Rate? Are these all important factors for SEO? Or are they just misconceptions we all have gone ahead to be believe about SEO ranking?

Scrap those myths and theories you think you know about SEO. We’re here to bust some common misconceptions you may have about SEO ranking factors once and for all. The factors listed aren’t technically linked to ranking factor, and we will explain to you why.

Social Signals

This is SO 2013. Do you remember when every single blog online had those social signals at the bottom of the page e.g. like, dislike, share, vote?

Yep, well they definitely aren’t a thing anymore and they certainly don’t impact your ranking. If anything, linking to your social media somehow is a positive, and having links on your website is a ranking factor however having these social signals are not necessary in the year 2021.

Keyword density

Let’s make this very clear. Keywords are extremely important when it comes to website content and optimising your ranking. However, sometimes it can have the reverse effect when not used appropriately. The days of keyword stuffing are long gone. Don’t think stuffing the same word over and over again is going to get you to rank first. Google considers this spam, and will not favour your website, so make sure you are using keywords accordingly.

Page Content or Word Count

It’s a misconception that the more words you have the better. Loads of irrelevant and incomplete content won’t take your website very far. Just because your web page is 9 pages long, packed with content doesn’t mean your website will perform well on a search engine. We tell our clients to write specifically keeping consumer front of mind. Make sure your content is relevant for only for Google, but for the users looking for answers to their queries and looking for your service.

We strongly recommend having a read of our previous blog to get you up to speed with the latest Google Core Update that focuses on Core Web Vitals. We believe this is a good start at optimising your website.

As for those misconceptions, if you have any more myths that need to be debunked, get in contact with one of our friendly experts to help you.

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